The adjustment to the GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016 679
In accordance with the European Regulation for the protection of personal data in the Web Market s.r.l. grants registered users of this site, the following rights:

Right of access (art. 15)
• The right of access includes the right to receive a copy of the personal data object of treatment.
• Some of the information that the holder must provide do not include the “mode” of treatment, while it is necessary to indicate the required retention period or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to define this period, as well as the guarantees applied in the case of a transfer of data to third Countries.

The user is "registered" can see all your data stored on this website by accessing, upon login, to the area GDPR (link).
From this web page, the user can obtain, by pressing the appropriate buttons, a copy of all the data stored by the Web Market s.r.l. on this website, such data can be exported in both pdf format and in csv format.
Data extraction in csv format also gives the right to the portability provided by the legislation GDPR, art 20.

Unregistered users (commonly referred to as "guests" or "guest") who have made a purchase on this website does not have a private personal area.
These users can also request, using the contact form (
link), information about the personal data stored on this website.
Web Market s.r.l. will respond quickly to requests made by such users.

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten) (art.17)
• The right to the so-called “forgotten” is a right to erasure of their personal data in the enhanced form. It foresees, in fact, the obligation for the owners (if they have “made public”, the personal data of the person concerned: for example, by posting them on a web site) to inform of the cancellation request to the other holders that process the personal data deleted, including “any link, copy or reproduction” (see art. 17 (2).
• Has a field of application more extensive than referred to in art. 7, paragraph 3, letter b) of the Code, because the person concerned has the right to request the deletion of their data, for example, even after withdrawal of consent to treatment (see art. 17 (1).

All the "users" registered and also the user "guest" or "guest" may at any time request, using the contact form (link), the deletion of the data stored on this website.
Web Market s.r.l. will meet within a reasonable time requests for deletion of data.
Before the final deletion will be communicated to the applicant, via email, the start of the cancellation procedure.
From that moment, the Web Market s.r.l. will not transmit further communications to the user as their data -and in particular the email of the applicant- permanently and irrecoverably deleted from the data base of this site.

Your data are stored on the server with all the most modern systems of protection and safety, located inside the EU. In particular, your data are stored on a server of Server Plan (link) to which we refer for detailed information in regard to the Privacy Policy and the security technologies used.
Except in those cases in which the user specifically requests the deletion of their data from the data base of this site, all data relating to the individual user and his purchases are stored on this website for a period of months to 26 (twenty six) from the last purchase made.
The retention period of the data corresponds to the period of validity of the "Legal Guarantee of conformity provided by the Consumer Code (articles 128 et seq), such a Warranty protects the consumer in case of purchase of defective products, which work badly or do not respond to the use declared by the seller or to which that asset is generally intended.

The deletion of the data from this site does not imply the elimination of any tax documents issued (bills, invoices, ddt, etc.) that will be kept in accordance with the Civil laws and Tax regulations, i.e. for years 10 (ten) from the date of issue.

If you want to have more information on the legislation GDPR you can download from our website in pdf format:
the "Regulation (EU) 2016 679. With references to the recitals" (
the "Guide to the application of Regulation (EU) 2016 679" (

Processing of personal data

This document describes the management procedures of the website with reference to the processing of personal data of the users who visit the site. The general information is provided pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 "Personal Data Protection Code" to all those who visit the Elettronew website of Web Market srl by accessing its web services electronically. The information is provided for the specific Website and not also for other Websites that may be consulted by the user through links. The information is also based on Recommendation no. 2/2001, adopted by the European Authorities for the protection of personal data in order to identify some minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online, and, in particular, the manner, timing and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when they connect to web pages, regardless of the purpose of the connection. With regard to Directive 2009/136/EC, which introduced new rules on cookies, see the specific information "Cookies policy of the site". Purposes of processing. The data provided by users will be processed for the purposes indicated below:

1. Purposes strictly related and/or necessary to the satisfaction of the requests made by the customer within the "Buy on line" service;
2. Purposes connected with obligations provided for by laws, regulations and EU legislation, as well as provisions issued by authorities empowered to do so by law or by supervisory and control bodies;
3. Sending newsletters and promotions regarding the services offered by;
4. Market research; economic and statistical analysis of

Data processing

Personal data is processed by means of computerised and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. The processing may be carried out on behalf of, with the same methods and criteria mentioned above, by third parties who provide data processing services or carry out activities that are complementary to or necessary for the performance of the services and operations requested by the user. These third parties will be appointed from time to time as Data Processors on behalf of Elettronew.

Purpose of data processing, legal basis and obligatory or optional nature of conferment

The Personal Data may be processed by Elettronew di Web Market s.r.l., with your consent where necessary, for the following purposes: - to send offers on products or services similar to those purchased and requested by you to Elettronew di Web Market s.r.l., by e-mail, unless you expressly refuse to receive such communications, which you may express at any time by writing to, or expressly deny your consent for Marketing purposes. This processing is legitimate pursuant to Section 130(4) of the Privacy Code, provided that it concerns communications on products or services similar to those that were the subject of your purchase and request and that you, having been adequately informed, do not object or will not object in the future to such communications. This means that you may object to the processing of your Personal Data for such purposes both when requesting the products and services available on the Site (by expressly denying your consent to the processing for Marketing purposes), and in subsequent commercial communications from Elettronew, by writing to the above-mentioned address or by clicking on "unsubscribe" in the footer of the emails you receive.

Privacy Policy